Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Letter to Oscar.

Greetings! I am currently driving south on Interstate 57 towards Memphis, Tennessee. Since the onset of my voyage, I have transitioned through four National Public radio stations. The sun is just coming up now and the news that there is indeed a new day is spilling through my car speakers in stereo. I don't trust things that I hear in mono.

I am alone in my car but my memories will ignore this. They will play back in my head in colour saturated 8mm film. No audio, just the clicking of the projector. I will see myself smiling, the rich amber of the sunrise spilling across the dash of the car. The cameraman is in the passenger seat. I am perpetually laughing at a joke that he is telling and the beauty of it all. I am always smiling for the camera. Perhaps this is why I am never lonely.

I ran into your tall friend the other day. We didn't say much to eachother as I was surprised that he was not with you and I must have had this permanent dumb grin on my face. It was nice to see him, though, perhaps this is the merit of interdimensional travel.I was watching a documentary the other day about a planet that will undoubtedly cross paths with our solar system in 2012 and throw off the balance of all things, sending us spiralling and teetering in darkness through space. Make sure to hold on tight for that ride because those of us who make it to our new home will meet God.

Yours respectfully,

P.S. Give my regards to Mharmar.
P.P.S I believe in ghosts.

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